Thursday, 10 July 2008

My Workspace

Thank you to all your lovely comments and emails about my previous post with reference to other work spaces and thank you for letting you share with us your lovely creative places, which I thought it only had to be fair to include mine, where I seem to spend most of my days in there at the the sofa you can see my lovely cat, Pasha, that keeps me company in his own way that is as he sleeps 24/7...Bless !

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Work Spaces

Dear Sukie, yvestown, veronica TM, Los ojos

Hi, I'm back to my Blogging at last! ...It has been a couple of manic weeks with my work at the Studio. As I was working all the long hours on my own in the Studio with the company of my lovely cat now and again wondering in and music in the background to keep me sane, I thought of other people like me that are in other parts of the world working from the studio on their creative projects, so after a long search in Flickr I thought I'd share with you a compilation of lovely images from other work spaces reflecting the work and personality of each individual. I hope they bring you some inspiration too and make us realise we are not alone ! ;-)