Friday, 24 June 2011

London's Portabello Market

Protabello Rd

Quintessential English china

Anything goes...

When I was living in London my Saturdays' consisted of a  ten minute walk down to Notting Hill for a good catch up with  friends on the weeks events over brunch. After a very lazy breakfast; many lattes and people watching we would  casually stroll down to Portabello's market which, by then was buzzing with  people everywhere. Locals pretty much doing the same as us and many tourists checking out the local landmarks; the market with its exotic fruit, antiques and fun items of clothing. You can't miss the great global mix of aromas  food stalls have to offer ranging  Caribbean, French, Mexican and Turkish whilst funky music is blurring out from various cds stalls.I love Notting Hill for the eclectic mix of people, food and  independent shops with a great buzz of creativity everywhere :-)

        To the market  and Open for 24 Hrs 

 Specialist shops          Market Day

        Iconic images on an opticians      'Notting Hill'  Movie's Famous door

  An Englishman's Home is its Castle....

This post is dedicated to my lovely friends from the 'hood' for the happy memories :-)

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Rainy British Summer

Ok, so we are in the middle of July which represents summer season here in Europe. Looking out of my studio window as I'm sipping my mate tea and typing away, rain keeps on falling and falling and it hasn't stopped for months !
Initially I would say it is good for the plants and all the wonderful nature we are surrounded with, but now it has come to a point that it's just too much !!

 Here in the UK everybody is talking about the rain; in the papers, TV broadcasts, constant radio discussions on why and how long? Will it effect the Olympics? Is it to do with global warming? Songs with rain mentioned in the lyrics are being played on the airwaves... quite extraordinary! 

Even Kato and Woody seem fed up with not being able to go for adventure and explore :-(

Thursday, 9 June 2011

People Watching In London

A couple of days ago I was in London to visit Pulse.  After the show it was such a lovely day that I took a walk back to my old neighbourhood.  I had a couple of hours to spare whilst waiting to hook up with my friend Jo for a drink, so with my camera in hand I took tons of photos which I'll write a post on soon. I love London so much for the relaxed attitude to be as you like and the best thing is that no one really cares!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Home Photo Shoot Part 2

Time has flown by so much ! It has been a very long time since I posted here but the last few months have been manic! 
Last week I was  asked to take images of my home for a possible project that I'll tell you about when I can, which has inspired me to rearrange and decorate my house again! So this morning I managed to convince Matt to help me out to paint and rearrange the furniture. The images here are of our two living rooms. The  first image is where the tv room is facing the front of the house. It is a small cosy room decorated with an eclectic mix of furniture. The two tables I painted and distressed and the shelving is from Ikea, which works fantastically as an alternative way of displaying my photographs. The gorgeous lampshade is from  Graham & Green, one of my favorite shops along with Anthropology- Of course !

In last three images you can see the "chill out" room as we call it..It faces the garden so this is where we spend a lot spend time reading and listening to music... The cushions/pillows are from my collection in my shop, the sofa bed is great when we have guests which is from Ikea, the two lovely paintings above are a wedding gift from my Aunt Rosa Mirambell, a very talented artist from Barcelona, Spain. The blue painting bellow is  one of mine and the book shelf I painted and refurbished. The brown coffee table  is going to have " white " makeover today.  
The  last two months we've had amazing sunshine, which I was finding it frustrating working in my studio as it  doesn't have such a great view.  I  moved a little table near the garden door so I can have the laptop as a means to catch up on emails whilst enjoying the garden view and animal noises coming through from the forest. So as you can see the two rooms have a purpose :-)