Protabello Rd
Quintessential English china
Anything goes...
When I was living in London my Saturdays' consisted of a ten minute walk down to Notting Hill for a good catch up with friends on the weeks events over brunch. After a very lazy breakfast; many lattes and people watching we would casually stroll down to Portabello's market which, by then was buzzing with people everywhere. Locals pretty much doing the same as us and many tourists checking out the local landmarks; the market with its exotic fruit, antiques and fun items of clothing. You can't miss the great global mix of aromas food stalls have to offer ranging Caribbean, French, Mexican and Turkish whilst funky music is blurring out from various cds stalls.I love Notting Hill for the eclectic mix of people, food and independent shops with a great buzz of creativity everywhere :-)
To the market and Open for 24 Hrs
An Englishman's Home is its Castle....
This post is dedicated to my lovely friends from the 'hood' for the happy memories :-)