Thursday, 21 July 2011

Bill Cunningham


  Image by The Sartorialist

Last weekend when I was in London and catching up with my friend Jo over a delicious coffee and warm croissants when she told me all about her new online project with her business partner Marcio, Fashion Aperitiv. I'll tell you more about it when the project has launched.We were discussing fashion photographers and how fashion photography has changed over the years through the social media we have at our finger tips. The Sartorialist and Garance Dore came to mind as well as Bill Cunnigham who I recently discovered through the Blogsphere . As I was telling Jo all about my recent discovery and the upcoming movie on his work, I realized how little some of us knew about this amazing photographer who is finally getting the attention he deserves, the real Sartorialist. 

Bill Cunningham in the streets of New York

For those that are not sure what I'm talking about, The Sartorialist and Garance Dore have become worldwide known Bloggers and fashion Photographers for documenting street style in their travels, mainly in fashionable cities such as Paris, Milan etc... so much so that the Sartorialist ( Scott Schuman) has had a  book published on his work. But  unknown to me and many others Bill Cunningham, an 80 yr old photographer for the New York times is the real pioneer of this voyeuristic style of fashion/street style photography.  Bill Cunningham's work and lifestyle has been documented into a movie which you'll also be able to get hold of on DVD if you are not be able to watch it on your movie screens in your country- I can't wait !

Bill Cunningham in the Streets of Manhattan

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Sundays' Car Boot Sale

Yesterday, whilst chatting with my friend Lara at a lovely garden party we were at for our friends send off before they move to China, she told me that a couple of weeks ago had she had experienced her first car boot sale in order to get rid of unwanted items before they move to their new home. So today I became inspired and went to check my local car boot sale.  

Refreshments and mobile cafes

For those that don't know what I'm talking about because you might be reading in another part of the world to where I'm writing this, a car boot sale is an event that usually takes place at weekends all around the UK. The idea is that you take your car, set up a table with your unwanted belongings i.e; shoes, clothes, books, toys, furniture etc.. and sell them for little to nothing. It is a good way to get rid of your items and make a bit of extra money. As they they say here 'one person's rubbish is another treasure '. When I first came to this country I thought it was a little bit strange but actually it does make sense in a recyclable way.

For the Garden

Fashion items displayed in alternative ways.

Lost love letters and someone else's personal old family photos 

 A vast range of books 

Although I have not gone as a seller yet, I might consider it one day as I'm not yet ready to depart with any of my belongings just yet much to Matt's disappointment... But I did bring home an old mirror and a little cabinet that I'm going to paint and refurbish. 

Shoppers on the way home with their new found bargains

 For more information on local car boot sales in UK and Europe you can check here.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Relaxing in The Garden

I hope you all had a great weekend enjoying the sunshine if you were lucky to have some in your part of the world.. After a very long week packed with a lot of work, socializing, eating and drinking till all ours of the night, it was lovely to finally sit in the garden with a cold drink and a great book, Sunday papers and some magazines! Now Monday morning I'm totally re energized to face another very busy week ahead...I hope you have a good one too :-)