Image by The Sartorialist
Last weekend when I was in London and catching up with my friend Jo over a delicious coffee and warm croissants when she told me all about her new online project with her business partner Marcio, Fashion Aperitiv. I'll tell you more about it when the project has launched.We were discussing fashion photographers and how fashion photography has changed over the years through the social media we have at our finger tips. The Sartorialist and Garance Dore came to mind as well as Bill Cunnigham who I recently discovered through the Blogsphere . As I was telling Jo all about my recent discovery and the upcoming movie on his work, I realized how little some of us knew about this amazing photographer who is finally getting the attention he deserves, the real Sartorialist.
Bill Cunningham in the streets of New York
For those that are not sure what I'm talking about, The Sartorialist and Garance Dore have become worldwide known Bloggers and fashion Photographers for documenting street style in their travels, mainly in fashionable cities such as Paris, Milan etc... so much so that the Sartorialist ( Scott Schuman) has had a book published on his work. But unknown to me and many others Bill Cunningham, an 80 yr old photographer for the New York times is the real pioneer of this voyeuristic style of fashion/street style photography. Bill Cunningham's work and lifestyle has been documented into a movie which you'll also be able to get hold of on DVD if you are not be able to watch it on your movie screens in your country- I can't wait !
Bill Cunningham in the Streets of Manhattan