Monday, 21 May 2012

London Olympics 2012

After a couple of manic months working at the studio with endless deadliness,  I  needed to have a day to clear my head and gather my thoughts. Some find it works by going to the countryside, for me it always works by visiting London, even if it is for a few hours! I always feel  re-energized and super inspired by the great buzz and energy this fabulous city brings. Although still  work related I was able to have a couple of hours free time  for a wander...

To be honest apart form working on a couple of projects related to the Olympics and Jubilee ( which I'll tell you about very soon) I hadn't quite got my head round the fact how soon is all going to happen until I saw everywhere how London is getting ready to host these two big events...Well now that it seems all  the more real I'm starting to  get excited, finally !

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Malvern Hills Escapade

Back from Malvern after a 24 hr visit to our lovely friends, kids and dogs- Just what the doctor ordered after non stop work in the studio ( literally ! ) I'm now  ready to create new designs, projects and paintings for my upcoming online shop
This morning we were all up so early that a walk in the famous Malvern Hills beckoned. Having never been up there, the nearly mountainous landscape and wild flowers evoked all sort of sweet childhood memories from my Easter vacations in the Spanish Pyrenees. And, yes !! Although the images might give you an idea we are in the middle of Autumn here in England, this is what a British summer actually looks like ! :-)

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Queens' Jubilee & Olympics Project !

Photograh by Rankin

I haven't been blogging properly for sometime due to a lot of work commissions for various clients. The  last seven days specially have been total madness in my studio as I've been working on a great design and photographic brief for the Queens Jubilee and the London Olympics !! 

 I was very flattered  to have been asked to be part of such an exciting and important project, although it was  crazy at times as I had to search for props everywhere and get inspiration whenever possible!! - I think I got there in the end . Unfortunately I can't say anymore or show you any images for copyright reasons... Hopefully if it all goes well I'll be able to share more with you in a few weeks time, so watch this space :-)

Thursday, 3 May 2012

New Website Coming Soon !


Hi my lovely friends ! 
Well the last couple of months have it has been total madness with so much going on in  my studio 'Le Petit Atelier' Hopefully I'll be able to share more news in the next coming months.
But in the meantime I have been creating a new website and updating my shop, which will be available online very soon. If you 'Like' my Facebook page you will get updates on new products, exclusive discounts and special offers. Also on my twitter page.